ASA Classes

Are you ready to take the next step in your sailing education? Then you’ve come to the right place!

The CRSA’s Cave Run Sailing School (CRSS) has numerous American Sailing Association (ASA) courses to meet your needs; check out the informational table a little further down, then proceed to the course request form at the bottom of the page.

Before we get too far:

In order to take our ASA courses, you MUST be a member of the Cave Run Sailing Association. CRSA membership is a separate fee.

If you’ve never been a member of CRSA, please click here.

If you need to renew your membership (or revive an old one), please click here.

Follow the links in the Course column for more detailed information on each course.

Course DescriptionFee
ASA 101Basic Keelboat Sailing$345
ASA 103Basic Coastal Cruising$345
ASA 104 *Bareboat Cruising$575
ASA 105 **Coastal Navigation$375
ASA 101 (Challenge)1 $200
ASA 103 (Challenge)1 $200
    1 Experienced sailors – An ASA “Challenge” involves submission of a sailing resume and prior approval before registering, then taking the written exam and practical skills tests with no academic instruction.
  • * Tuition rates quoted do not include boat charter, instructor fee or additional expenses, if any.
  • ** ASA 105 requires at least 5 participants to hold the course. If you request ASA 105, there may be a waiting period until other participants can be found.

Your instructor will coordinate with you on a mutually decided date and time; textbooks and course materials are provided to the student for self-study prior. Students are expected to have completed all assigned academic study, be prepared for instruction, and arrive on time for scheduled certifications.

Certifications are conducted on Cave Run Lake, Kentucky Lake, in local classroom facilities, or on instructional cruises in other waters. On-the-water instruction is conducted aboard Instructors’ private vessels, CRSA club-owned vessels, or chartered vessels.

* It Looks Like You Aren't Logged In * You must be logged in to fill out the registration form. Also, remember you must be an active member of the CRSA (dues-paid) to participate in the Beginning Sailing Class. See instructions a few sections above on this page for links to either obtain membership or revive an old membership. Thanks!

For any questions please contact our ASA Director, David Leddy, at